VJ's Random Reveal: Benjamin Kepner

Random Reveal

Some blog posts answer the question, “What does a digital strategist do?”

This blog post gets inside the mind of Benjamin Kepner, our manager of digital and data strategy, with six random questions.

What did your five-year-old self aspire to be when you grew up?

A professional (NBA) basketball player so I could travel the world.

If you were a breakfast cereal, what would you be and why?

Lucky Charms so I could be lucky.

What do you love about summer?

Hiking, Red Rocks concerts, and travel.

If you could only have the same (non-water) drink for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Coca-Cola. I was raised in Atlanta and naturally Coca-Cola goes with almost any meal.

What trend do you hope makes a comeback?


What is your most overused word or phrase?

“Sounds good.”So there you have it, a tiny peek into the psyche of one of the brilliant minds behind our data-informed, cost-efficient digital campaigns. For the real answer to “What does a digital strategist do?” drop us a line. Let’s talk.